The MSP Management Information System is designed to collect both quantitative and qualitative data on an annual basis and will allow for comparisons both within and among projects over time. The primary method of gathering this information is by the use of a Web-based data collection system that incorporates the nine surveys covered by this submission including:
Comprehensive and Targeted MSP Projects
* Annual Survey for Comprehensive and Targeted Partnership Projects
* Annual IHE Participant Survey for Comprehensive and Targeted MSPs Annual Institution of Higher Education Survey.
* Annual K-12 District Survey.
Institute Projects
* Annual Survey for Institute Partnership Projects
* Annual IHE Participant Survey for Institute MSPs
* Initial Survey for K-12 MSP Institute Participants
* Annual Survey for K-12 MSP Institute Participants
RETA Projects
* Annual Survey for RETA Projects
Comprehensive and Targeted MSP Projects
* Annual Survey for Comprehensive and Targeted Partnership Projects
* Annual IHE Participant Survey for Comprehensive and Targeted MSPs Annual Institution of Higher Education Survey.
* Annual K-12 District Survey.
Institute Projects
* Annual Survey for Institute Partnership Projects
* Annual IHE Participant Survey for Institute MSPs
* Initial Survey for K-12 MSP Institute Participants
* Annual Survey for K-12 MSP Institute Participants
RETA Projects
* Annual Survey for RETA Projects
Annual reports provides data overall, by type of program, and by cohort.
Project Contributions
Compendium of MSP MIS Data for Comprehensive, Targeted, and Institute Projects: 2002-03 Through 2010-11 School Years
Posted by: Molly Hershey-Arista . The Math and Science Partnership Management Information System (MSP MIS) presents annual findings from the MSP MIS for Comprehensive, Targeted, and Institute MSP projects for 2002-03 through the 2010-11 school…
Posted by: Molly Hershey-Arista . The Math and Science Partnership Management Information System (MSP MIS) presents annual findings from the MSP MIS for Comprehensive, Targeted, and Institute MSP projects for 2002-03 through the 2010-11 school…
Compendium of MSP MIS Data for Institute Teacher Leaders: 2004-05 Through 2010-11 School Years
Posted by: Molly Hershey-Arista . The MSP Institute Partnerships, also called Teacher Institutes for the 21st Century, make up the fourth component of the National Science Foundation (NSF) Math and Science Partnership (MSP) program. The…
Posted by: Molly Hershey-Arista . The MSP Institute Partnerships, also called Teacher Institutes for the 21st Century, make up the fourth component of the National Science Foundation (NSF) Math and Science Partnership (MSP) program. The…
Are MSP Participants Really Collaborating? An Exploratory Study
The purpose of this study was to examine the current status of relationships among participants in the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Mathematics and Science Partnership (MSP) program and how those…
The purpose of this study was to examine the current status of relationships among participants in the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Mathematics and Science Partnership (MSP) program and how those…
Annual Data for K-12 Institute Participants: Cohort 1 Longitudinal Data for Year 1 and Year 2
Posted by: Gary Silverstein . Summary of MSP MIS Institute data submitted by teacher leaders
Posted by: Gary Silverstein . Summary of MSP MIS Institute data submitted by teacher leaders
Compendium of MSP MIS Data for Comprehensive, Targeted, and Institute Projects: 2002-03 Through 2007-08 School Years
Posted by: Gary Silverstein . Annual findings from the MSP MIS for Comprehensive, Targeted, and Instuitute MSP projects for 2002-03 through the 2007-08 school years
Posted by: Gary Silverstein . Annual findings from the MSP MIS for Comprehensive, Targeted, and Instuitute MSP projects for 2002-03 through the 2007-08 school years